More open discussion surrounding manufacturer would help

Published 12:01 am Thursday, May 17, 2018

A Tuesday night meeting stirred fears among some residents in the Town of Vidalia over the potential environmental impact of a new $25 million spherical graphite production facility planned for the area.

Unfortunately, the meeting appeared to be filled with more conjecture and speculation than hard facts and, more unfortunate, the company at the center of the controversy did not have anyone there to either confirm or allay fears.

Anytime an industry comes into the area, residents have every right to be concerned about the potential impact the facility could have on the area.

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We only have one environment and thus we need to tread lightly on it and avoid depleting or destroying its resources.

That said, however, almost everything an industrial nation does causes some form of pollution. The cars we drive, the products we use and the containers we toss in the garbage all are environmental concerns in one way or another.

Whether or not Syrah Technologies’ plant would harm the environment in a detrimental way or not is not clear to us.

What is clear is that more open discussion about the matter needs to be had with all affected parties at the table — concerned citizens, community leaders and representatives of the company.

The emotions need to be checked at the door and real facts discussed and debated.

Only after all parties understand one another’s concerns and perspective can the matter move forward toward resolution.