My day at pool was enjoyable

Published 12:01 am Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Saturday morning at 11:06, I arrived at the new «pool,” officially the Aquatic Center built by the Adams County Recreation Commission with support and funding coming jointly from the City of Natchez and the County of Adams.

The facility is operated by through the YMCA. I wanted to experience this new addition to our community firsthand and could not have been more pleased.

For a $5 daily fee, I was able to enjoy one of the best-designed and managed pools in the state.

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The staff  (and there were plenty) was engaged in ensuring a safe and organized environment.

Three young swimmers were evaluated before given permission to swim while I was there.

The facility includes three areas designed for every level of experience: a zero entry wading pool for small children, a family swim area and an area that can be marked off for lap swim and competition swim.

Johnny Waycaster and Associates did a great job of providing for all the diverse needs and yet keeping the design efficient and easy to operate.

The facility includes a covered area with sturdy lounge chairs overlooking the children’s end of the pool.

I only stayed an hour and a half, but observed a diverse group of people and ages all enjoying a “day at the pool” on a 90-degree Mississippi late-spring Saturday.

If you go, be sure and wear swimsuits — not athletic shorts or cutoffs — as swimsuits are required to get in and be prepared to fill out a form if it is your first time, as they need to know who you are and who to contact in the event of an emergency. There are other rules, but these are critical as I saw a few families show up with kids who had to leave to find the proper swimwear.

It has been a long time since we have had a public pool here in Natchez and it is refreshing to see the well-planned results of the many people involved in making this project a reality.

Walter Tipton is manager of the Natchez Convention Center.