Stories you may have missed this week

Published 8:56 am Monday, July 23, 2018

NATCHEZ — Good news could be found in every corner of the Miss-Lou last week — from Lake St. John and the Vidalia Farmer’s Market to the area’s biggest hospital and one of Natchez historic landmarks. Here is a look at some of the good news you might have missed among the headlines last week:

Floating his boat on national magazine

Natchez man gets national exposure for Lake St. John community with feature of annual flotilla in magazine.

Lake St. John celebration on the cover of national magazine

Jam session at farmer’s market

Email newsletter signup

After working in the trucking industry, these sisters now park their vehicles filled with delicious jams and jellies at the Vidalia Farmer’s Market.

The Viewfinder: Once in trucking business, sister now jamming at farmer’s market 

Welcome to Natchez

Merit Health Natchez has a new CEO and Lance Boyd is ready to help serve the health care needs of the community.

New Merit Health CEO takes the helm of hospital 

Bringing back history

Owners of The Towers are returning the towers to the Natchez landmark

Lots of Lindas

Chances are if you were looking for Linda last weekend, she was at the Natchez Grand Hotel celebrating with 65 other Lindas from across the country and Canada.

Lots of Lindas enjoy convention weekend in Natchez