West Nile virus is a serious matter

Published 12:01 am Sunday, August 12, 2018

Adams County has recently had its first confirmed case of West Nile virus for the year.

For several years, West Nile has been a concerning fact of summer in our community.

So far this summer the Mississippi Department of Health reports 13 confirmed cases of West Nile virus in the state, including the one in Adams County.

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The disease is a mosquito-borne virus that can cause flu-like symptoms and even death to some of those who contract the disease.

It’s scary stuff.

No one wants to think that an evening walk outside or a backyard barbecue could turn deadly after a single mosquito bite, but it does happen.

Fortunately many of those who contract the disease may ultimately not even know it, as the majority of these people have virtually no symptoms.

But the risks, particularly to the very young and very old, merit an extra effort to try and avoid getting bit in the first place.

Insect experts suggest residents should use insect repellant containing DEET, wear long sleeve, loose fitting clothes and try to rid of the habitats that breed mosquitoes.

The good news is that we know the disease is in our area. The better news is that we know how to lessen the likelihood that we will contract it.