Concordia Parish records going digital

Published 10:00 pm Monday, October 8, 2018


VIDALIA — Concordia Parish is going digital.

The Concordia Parish Police Jury members unanimously agreed during Monday’s regular meeting to purchase scanning software for parish records.

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The scanning software allows the jury secretary to store documents such as jury minutes, ordinances and deeds digitally and in the digital cloud as opposed to searching manually through stacks of paperwork or in file cabinets, said Sandi Burley, secretary and treasurer.

The jury voted Monday to purchase at an annual cost of $3,000 and a one time set up cost of $1,500, the software through Revolution Systems, which is the same company used by the parish clerk’s office for storing court records, Burley said.

The total first year cost of $4,500 will be paid on a monthly basis, starting at $375 a month, Burley said.

The purchase was approved by a vote of 6-0, with jurors, Jimmy Wilkinson, Jimmy Jernigan and Red Tiffee absent.

In other matters during Monday’s regular meeting of the Concordia Parish Police Jury, the jury approved by a vote of 6-0:

  • To pay Wilmar Construction $31,179 for the new wheelchair lift at the parish courthouse while withholding 10 percent of the final cost until the project is deemed complete.
  • A revision of a building permit ordinance to include modular homes.
  • To pay Black River Services $13,207.50 for the first spraying of the Vidalia Canal to control vegetation growth, which has recently been completed by the service group.
  • Tabled the purchase of a bulldozer and excavator due to lack of a viable financing agreement.