Thanks for weather updates

Published 12:01 am Wednesday, January 2, 2019

We don’t often think about how the federal government shutdown affects things we might normally just take for granted.

But the dark, stormy clouds over our community Wednesday afternoon reminded us of some hard working, and often under appreciated, government workers.

From an office near Jackson a small band of federal workers dole out highly useful weather forecast information that we all used to plan our days, stay informed and get out of harm’s way when violent weather is coming.

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But the small group of people working at the Jackson office of the National Weather Service — and hundreds of other similar weather workers across the country — is doing so at the moment without pay due to the partial federal government shutdown.

If history is any guide, when the political wrangling is over in Washington, D.C., all of those hardworking folks will be paid.

But in the meantime, we’re simply thankful that they’re working on our behalf, all while their own, personal bills are coming due.

We applaud their service and hope to remember how much we appreciate their work — even when it’s sunny outside and the temperatures are balmy.