Jerry Ford announces run for sheriff

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Special to The Democrat

Jerry Ford announces his candidacy for Adams County Sheriff.

“I believe that 2019 is a new day and time for a new way,” Ford said.

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“It has been often quoted that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I believe it is time to try something different with leadership that is qualified, educated and trustworthy,” Ford said. “I am that candidate for Adams County Sheriff.”

Ford has been married for 14 years to his wife, Shuwanda.  They have five children and seven grandchildren together.

“I want to see change in Adams County. There was a time when you rarely heard of a murder or shooting in Adams County, but, my friend, those times have changed,” Ford said. “Last year we had one of the highest murder rates in the recent history of Adams County. We cannot continue with these unsatisfying results.”

Ford has a bachelor of science and a master’s degree from Alcorn State University. He has been a police officer in Natchez for 21 years and has held many administrative posts as well as commanded officers on the street.

“I know how to get things done, but I need you to give me the opportunity to make the necessary changes that will make the difference,” Ford said.

Ford said he dosesn’t believe one person can fix everything that is wrong in Adams County.

“However, I do believe that the people want a strong leader that can make a difference. I am that man and on Aug. 6, ask you to send a message to the criminals that it is time for a new day and a new way,” he said.

Ford said he will attempt to make contact with each and every voter in the county over the next several months.

“However, if I do not ask you personally, please take this as my request for your prayers, your vote, and your support and let’s work together to make a difference for my kids and yours,” Ford said.