Stop allowing anonymous comments

Published 12:08 am Wednesday, January 30, 2019

I am a subscriber to The Natchez Democrat and look forward to receiving it each day it comes.

I also enjoy it online, as the print is easier on my old eyes. I used to like to read the comments that follow almost every article and opinion piece and occasionally would place a comment on things I was particularly interested in. No more!

Many of the comments have become extremely negative and some are vicious and very mean spirited.

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Of course some are just grammatically pathetic and make little sense, and these probably do little harm. They do show, however, that there are some folks out there who are easily confused and can be unduly influenced.

Only a few people use their real names. I truly believe the anonymity allowed in this feature leads some to release their darkest feelings and to viciously attack individuals and ideas they dislike or disagree with.

They probably say things that they would never sign their real names to. Things that could lead someone to draw false conclusions or even take wrong actions.

I would suggest to The Democrat that this is a dangerous thing. Opinions and comments are fine and expressing them is also fine, but please stop allowing people to post under pseudonyms.

I wish you would end this practice and just announce that only those willing to sign their real names will have their comments published. You might even consider controlling this by requiring that those wishing to post be subscribers.

Katherine Blankenstein

Natchez resident