Keep an eye on river as it rises, falls

Published 12:01 am Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Mississippi River appears to be cresting this week after the third-highest level ever recorded in Natchez. But unfortunately, we’re not out of the woods yet.

While this winter flood was of near-record proportions, the fact is much of the snow pack in the extreme northern U.S. hasn’t melted yet.

That seasonal snowmelt is what typically pushes the big bubble of water our way down the Mississippi River basin each spring.

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If that snowmelt occurs slowly over time, all may be fine, but if it comes quickly before the already high water levels can normalize, another record flood may be in order all across the lower Mississippi.

That’s why we all must remain aware, watchful and alert to the possibility for another high water forecast in our future.

The good news is, we have good leadership in place and have the crews and the know-how to handle high water when it comes.

We live in one of the most beautiful communities in the South and the high water is simply something we learn to live with here.

The river will rise and the river will fall, but Natchez and the Miss-Lou will endure for many, many years to come.