Bright Future: Natchez High senior ready to excel in medicine, health

Published 12:05 am Wednesday, May 15, 2019


NATCHEZ — Science and helping people feel better are two of Kaitlyn Green’s favorite things to do, which is what attracted her to the University of Alabama, she said.

Green, the daughter of Tonika and Seleth Green and a senior at Natchez High School, received 13 different scholarships during an honor’s banquet last week to the school of her choice, and Green said she knew for at least eight years which school that would be.

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“I’ve wanted to go to that school since I was in fourth grade,” she said. “Either there or LSU, which is really ironic because they’re rivals. … I went there a couple of times and I like the school, the people and the atmosphere — and they have a school of anesthesiology.”

Green said she became fascinated with medicine while studying health sciences and job shadowing during clinical courses at Merit Heath Natchez. After exploring the different medical fields that interest her, Green said she decided to study medical science at the University of Alabama and hopefully get into med school for anesthesiology.

“I’m interested in different types of medicines,” Green said. “They say anesthesiology is one of the hardest fields, and I like to be challenged.”

Green said she welcomed many challenges throughout her high school experience while taking many different college and advanced courses, including composition I and II, algebra, trigonometry and a few history courses.

Her mother and grandmother, Mary Lewis, inspired Green to stand out from her peers and not waste any time, she said.

“They’ve kept me on track and told me not to be in the crowd,” Green said, “but to be different sometimes and do something with my life.”

Green is the president of her school’s Mu Alpha Theta Club and the Key Club and is also a member of the National Honor Society, Student Government Association, National Beta Club and the Mayor’s Youth Council.

She also is on the Natchez High School softball team and cheerleading squad and enjoys sports, reading and traveling.