Anti-bullying program is a great idea

Published 12:01 am Saturday, October 19, 2019

Today’s world is tough to navigate for anyone, much less for teenagers.

Teenage years can be tough as children develop into their more mature selves.

Navigating the halls of middle school and high school is tough enough for young people but so is navigating the social pecking order of cliques and classmates.

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Add to that the ever-present smartphones, social media and internet access, and you have an environment in which children can communicate and interact with others as never before.

Bullying has always been an issue for school children but with the advent of modern technology the realms for bullying have only expanded.

On Saturday, the Natchez Adams School District held the 3rd annual Youth Summit Peer Pressure and Bully event at Natchez High School.

The program is part of national anti-bullying month and teaches students about the problem of bullying, how to prevent it and how to cope with it.

High school and middle school NASD student athletes and students who participate in extracurricular activities are required to attend the event, not because they are likely to bully or be bullied but because they are leaders in their schools.

School officials said by teaching the school leaders about the issues of bullying, they are likely to help set the tone against bullying.

We believe the anti-bullying program is an excellent program that uses education to empower students to understand the issues of bullying and why and how they can help overcome the problem.

We hope the students learned a good bit from the community leaders who volunteer to teach the children on Saturday and that those children will go out and help stop bullying, not only in school but in the community, workplace and anywhere they might encounter it.