New fuel company comes to port

Published 12:15 am Tuesday, December 3, 2019


NATCHEZ — A new fuel company has made its home at the Natchez-Adams County Industrial Port on LE Barry Road, Natchez Inc. Executive Director Chandler Russ announced during Monday’s regularly scheduled meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors.

Russ said the industry, Lincoln Terminal Company Inc., finished building $17.4 million worth of capital investments last month on a piece of property it purchased from World Entergy at the industrial port.

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Lincoln Terminal pulls liquids — such as gasoline, diesel, biodiesel and ethanol products — from barges on the Mississippi River and transports them to distribution areas, Russ said.

In addition to the capital investment, Russ said the facility would hire approximately 12 to 15 direct and indirect employees — including mostly truck drivers and a few staff members to work on site.

Because the industry uses some of the port’s existing resources to perform its operations, the industrial port would receive a percentage of its profits, Russ said.

“They’re roughly a $100,000 to $200,000 annual customer to the industrial port,” Russ said during Monday’s meeting. “Our goal is to continue to diversify the movement of those goods and services in the industrial port area. This additional liquid that they plan to move is different from Genesis Energy and is adding to the mix of liquid movements there.”

Lincoln Terminal submitted an application to be exempt from some county taxes but not school taxes as an incentive for their choosing to locate in Natchez, Russ said.

“It’s a new client and customer and it’s one that we have competed for,” he said. “They had options up and down the river … so we’re excited to be presenting this to you.”

Russ said Lincoln Terminal would be ready to cut the ribbon and assume full operation in March.