Margaret Prather Ezell

Published 12:01 am Sunday, December 29, 2019

Aug. 12, 1951- Dec. 24, 2019


NATCHEZ—  Services for MargaretPratherEzell,68,ofGermantown,Maryland, whodiedT u e  s  d  a  y  ,   Dec. 24,2019,whilevisitingfamilyandfriendsinNatchez, will be 10 a.m. Saturday at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,162LowerWoodvilleRoad in  Natchez.

Shewill  be laid  to restbesideherbelovedmother,Mildred SeabEzell, attheNatchezCity CemeteryunderthedirectionofLairdFuneralHome.

Visitation will be Saturday one hour before the service.

Margaret was devoted to her church and her charity work with organ donation and the Maryland Blood Donation Services. Prior to her retirement, she worked many years as an educator and later as president and CEO of Capital Professional Services. She was an avid supporter of Brigham Young University where she received her Ph.D.

Shewaspreceded indeathbyherparents,MildredSeabEzelland BlufordEzell.

Survivorsincludeherfirstcousins,PatJunkin of Natchez,  SusanSeab Bowser ofLewes,Delaware, Dr.  JamesAgustus   Seab ofRochester,New York,  John ChristopherSeab ofColumbus,Ohio, JosephPhillipSeab of SanFrancisco,andCharlesChristopher Seab,of NewOrleans.

Pallbearers will be Rick Junkin, R.T. Junkin, John Ward Junkin, Kole Junkin, Paxton Junkin and David Cauthen.
