Candidates address crime, jobs other issue in forum today Tuesday
Published 8:10 pm Monday, March 2, 2020
NATCHEZ — A 2020 City Candidates Forum organized by the Natchez-Adams County Chamber of Commerce starts at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Natchez Convention Center.
Debbie Hudson, president of the Natchez-Adams County Chamber of Commerce, said all municipal candidates for the first primary on April 7 as well as all independent and unopposed candidates were asked to participate in tonight’s forum, speak their platform and answer questions that were submitted by the public.
“Everyone said they would be coming except two aldermen who are unopposed (Billie Joe Frazier, Ward 2, and Benjamin Davis, Ward 5),” Hudson said. “We’ll start with aldermen first, Ward 1, Ward 4 and Ward 6.”
Hudson said each candidate for alderman would be given two minutes to say whatever they want and then would be asked three questions with one minute to answer each. They would also have an extra minute to give a closing statement.
Mayoral candidates will each have five or six questions.
Mayoral candidates will be given the same amount of time for each of their statements but with five or six questions to answer, Hudson said.
Incumbent Ward 3 Alderwoman Sarah Carter Smith and Municipal Court Judge Lisa Jordan Dale, who are unopposed, will also be given two minutes to speak and questions to answer and Michelle Peyroux Duhl of ListenUpY’ will be acting as moderator, Hudson said.
“We had plenty of questions that were submitted so we won’t have to come up with any,” Hudson said. “… A lot of people sent in the same things — about crime, jobs and business experience.”
Candidates would be able to set up tables in the entry hall for people to come speak with them after the event, Hudson said.