Constituents deserve better than useless bickering

Published 12:54 pm Tuesday, October 24, 2023

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At the end of the Titan Tire public hearing on Tuesday night, a Natchez resident stood up and gave some much-needed advice to two Natchez elected officials, which we truly hope they take to heart.

“Stop it,” said Deborah Cosey. “You’ve got to stop it.”

Cosey was referring to the almost non-stop, disruptive bickering that goes on at public meetings between some elected officials.

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In this case, Cosey was talking to Ward 2 Alderman Billie Joe Frazier and Natchez Mayor Dan Gibson. Frazier makes no bones about the fact that he is not the mayor’s biggest fan. Frazier challenges just about every single thing that comes out of the mayor’s mouth. If the mayor says something is red, Frazier is certain to say that it’s blue.

The mayor is much more polite about his responses to Frazier, but still the two talk over each other, both raise their voices, and it is tiring to witness and accomplishes nothing for the citizens they represent.

“You are not showing leadership. You are not doing the people’s work when you do this,” Cosey said.

Frazier argued back at Cosey. It’s not me, it’s him, Frazier said. Frankly, no one cares.

Zero reasons exist that would warrant any elected official to raise their voices at each other or treat the other with disrespect. None.

We have seen the demise of civility and the ability of elected leaders on the federal level to work together. And the citizens of this country are suffering greatly for it.

However, on the local level, we are better than that. We all want what is best for this community. We are certain that’s the situation with Frazier and Gibson. Our guess is each has more in common that they realize. Even if they never disagree, don’t bring your tempers to public meetings.

As Cosey advised, “Stop it.” Just stop it.