Natchez rescue earns spay and neuter grant from license plate program

Published 11:03 am Thursday, January 25, 2024

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NATCHEZ — Hoofbeats and Pawprints Rescue has been awarded at $2,500 I Care for Animals grant from the Mississippi Board of Animal Health.

The funds will support HPR’s spay and neuter initiative.

The I Care for Animals car tag program is in its 20th year. The program offers an opportunity for Mississippians to purchase a specialty license plate, which benefits animals around the state. The license plates are available at county tax collectors’ offices.

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The proceeds from the purchase of the specialty license plats go into a state animal care fund, which is distributed to animal shelters, humane organizations, counties and municipalities that make application and meet the criteria for an award. The primary focus of the program is spaying and neutering animals.

“Hoofbeats and Pawprints Rescue receives many litters of puppies and kittens each year and works to ensure that all parents of those litters receive spay or neuter surgery,” said Kathy Fitch, a founder of the organization. “Doing so helps improve the lives of the adults animals and cuts down on the number of unwanted litters and homeless pets in our community.

“This is the first grant funding HPR has received specifically geared toward helping accomplish that goal. We are very appreciative of this funding and encourage everyone to purchase the ‘I Care for Animals’ car tags to support this important program, which helps spay or neuter many pets in communities all across Mississippi,” Fitch said.

Hoofbeats and Pawprints Rescue was established in 2017 and has saved the lives of more than 10,000 homeless pets since it began. The 501 (c)3 charitable organization is based in Natchez.

For more information on Hoofbeats and Pawprints, visit its website at or call 601-303-0672.