Monsoon-like rain takes out Bourke Road bridge

Published 1:39 pm Monday, May 13, 2024

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NATCHEZ — A handful of residents are stuck on their property Monday morning after a monsoon-like rain “blew out” the bridge on Bourke Road in Adams County.

Adams County Board of Supervisors President Kevin Wilson, who represents District 2, surveyed the damage Monday morning.

“I think it blew out at about 7 a.m.,” Wilson said. The county received between four to six inches of rain Sunday into Monday morning.

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The Adams County Road Department has been hard at work since the damage to the bridge was reported.

“They (residents) can walk across part of the bridge now, and I think it will be drivable sometime this afternoon,” Wilson said.

“We’ve been battling this problem since we’ve been on the board. We have a grant to replace the bridge but haven’t been able to get the Department of the Interior, which owns some of the land involved, to deed us land for a right of way. I think now we have found a way for the federal government to lease us a small portion of the land for 50 years at a time, which will allow us to get on the property to repair the bridge. The federal government doesn’t like to sell land.”