Movie announcement coming for Natchez?

Published 12:05 am Saturday, August 17, 2013

NATCHEZ — Mayor Butch Brown said Tuesday that a major movie studio could possibly be shooting a film in Natchez soon.

Brown said at the Natchez Board of Aldermen meeting that he received notice Tuesday that a movie, which may be filmed in Natchez, got a “go-ahead” from a production studio.

Brown mentioned the movie after Historic Natchez Foundation Deputy Director Trevor Brown brought the board up to speed on the later repairs at Margaret Martin Performing Arts Center.

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“(The studio) will be making a formal announcement of that package, and they anticipate using (the Martin center) around the middle of October,” Brown said.

Natchez has been the filming location of several films, including “The Lady Killers,” “The Horse Soldiers,” parts of “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” and “Huckleberry Finn, and the HBO series “True Blood.”