More jobs for Adams County an economic win

Published 12:06 am Thursday, August 11, 2011

As financial markets fluctuated wildly this week, the Natchez economy received some great news with the announcement of a new manufacturing company.

Enersteel will purchase the previously struggling Dynasteel facility at the Adams County Port.

Most of the existing jobs Dynasteel has on its payroll will be retained and the total employment will grow to include approximately 100 full-time jobs.

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Retaining jobs in this tough global economy is considered a “win,” in most communities. So for Enersteel to promise not only to keep jobs but also to add additional jobs is truly news on which to brag.

Interestingly, the new business fits nicely into the kind of business that our community needs to be recruiting — companies that can build world-class products in our community to ship elsewhere.

We need more of that type of business in our community and in America as a whole.

The announcement comes on the heels of the recent news that an entirely new company, Elevance Renewable Sciences, soon will begin construction on a new renewable chemicals industry.

Many thanks to all of the partners involved in the acquisition of the new businesses, including Natchez Inc., the City of Natchez, Adams County, Natchez Now and the Mississippi Development Authority.

Natchez is definitely on the economic development map again after years of being dormant and, as evidenced by the great news of late, is being noticed.

We’re excited by our community’s prospects ahead and proud of each and every new job created in our community. Let’s keep up the great work, Natchez!