Solution to shutdown needed quickly

Published 12:43 am Sunday, January 21, 2018

When we look at the bickering that goes on in Washington, D.C., we scratch our heads.

How can a group of people who are elected to represent the common men and women of our nation continue to act childishly and fail to do their jobs?

On midnight Friday the federal government effectively shut down after a budget impasse.

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At first blush that does not seem to have great impact locally, until you dig a little more deeply.

Two of Natchez’s most interesting and prized sites are shuttered because of the shutdown.

Antebellum Melrose and the William Johnson House, both key features of the Natchez National Historical Park are closed as a result of the shutdown. The open park at the site of Fort Rosalie remains open for visitors since it is not really staffed by National Park Service personnel daily.

On the Natchez Trace Parkway, interpretive centers and bathrooms were closed to travelers as well.

In the grand scheme of things no one will be physically hurt locally through the shutdown, but visitors to Natchez during this time will certainly be cheated of two of the best depictions of Natchez’s history available.

We hope and pray Congress can work out a compromise quickly to restore the federal government and reopen the services affected in the Natchez area.