Johnson has support of state workers

Published 7:20 pm Saturday, July 23, 2011

We would like to express our appreciation to state Rep. Robert Johnson for his continued support in promoting the needs of state employees along with the needs of all Mississippi teachers.

The Mississippi Alliance of State Employees/CWALocal 3570 is a voice for state workers. We are not newcomers to the political scene, and we know who passes the laws and who gets bills out of committees.

Some legislators believe that state workers will take what they get (or don’t get as the case maybe), because Mississippi is a poor state and they need their jobs. This has never been the case with Rep. Johnson.

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Rep. Johnson has been a champion for our state employees and not one who says one thing behind closed doors and the opposite outside those doors. He has walked the talk and for that we say thank you!

He realized that state employees are laboring under ever-increasing workloads in all agencies and never should be ignored or taken for granted because of the services they provide.

While we have come a long way with the help of Mr. Johnson both as a Senator and now as the sitting representative for District 94; we have much at stake in the upcoming election on Tuesday Aug. 2.

A wise man once said “You can’t fix what is not broken,” so we ask the citizens of District 94 (Adams, Claiborne and Jefferson counties) to join our state employees, families and friends in sending him back to Jackson to continue a job well done.

Brenda R. Scott

president, Mississippi Alliance of State Employees