Balloon race doesn’t appeal to all

Published 12:34 am Friday, October 21, 2011

The Natchez balloon race occurred last weekend.

This has been an annual event throughout the years. I have been paying attention to how this event is based.

The committee that organizes the balloon race, along with the music part of the event, has done a good job in basing the balloon race around one type or group of people.

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The music is what supports the race and brings all the people together to have a good time.

But in this case, the music only attracts one race of people.

For the last two years, this event has never had on it’s musical lineup a high ranking black band, which would draw in a lot of black people.

How can you say this event is for everybody when you only have white bands? The music is what brings the large number of people. But you divide the people when you only have one type of music that draws one set of people.

I want to say to the committee, you should think about next year’s festival and consider having at least two well-known black bands.

Then, black people can feel welcome and be a part of the balloon race event.

Clarence Anderson Jr.

Natchez resident