Stand up, speak against violence

Published 12:05 am Friday, December 5, 2014

The Michael Brown case in Ferguson, Mo., has drawn attention and protest all across America.

Even in Natchez, a protest rally was organized. Racial profiling brutality is a big problem. Right here in Natchez, young black men are racial profiled in the war against drugs.

What is really going on in our city and in America? No one, black or white, should die like Michael Brown did in Ferguson. But, there is a way we can change things, by going to the polls and voting.

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Natchez, especially, needs a change and it can be done by voting some people out.

It cannot be done by violence; it cannot be done by burning down your community and businesses. They do not spend their money at our place of business. But, we spend our money at their businesses.

Fredrick Douglass once said, “Power is nothing, without a demand.”

I say to you that your vote has power and it is a demand that you use it. Change will only come, if we step up and make the change happen.

I encourage parents, churches, community leaders and ministries to start preparing people to get registered to vote in the next election that is right around the corner in 2016.

Let’s put our vote and our prayers together and watch God change things.


Clarence Anderson

Natchez resident