Supervisors’ efforts much appreciated

Published 12:05 am Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Adams County Board of Supervisors deserves to be commended for their “Pack  The Pickup” drive in which they collected non-perishable food for the Natchez Community Stewpot.

Thanks to the grocery merchants who endorsed their efforts.

Thanks especially to all who gave generously in keeping with the spirit of the season.

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So much food was given that it filled seven pickups.

The storage area of the Stewpot was also filled. This food will be used for many months in 2015. The results of this effort shows once again the compassion of the people of this area. So many gave to help those who need daily meals.

Thank you supervisors for spearheading this community work.

You are the best.


Louis Gunning

Natchez Stewpot director